The Greek word symbolus means
"bringing together."
-Diane Eichenbaum
Knowledge of symbolism is a net...
in which one can at least catch the unspeakable mystery
of immediate experience of the unconscious. 
-Marie-Louise von Franz
A symbol evolves from the interplay
of nature and projection, history and imagination.
-The Book of Symbols;
Reflections on Archetypal Images
True symbolism depends on the fact that things,
which may differ from one another in time, space, material nature
and many other limitative characteristics,
can posses and exhibit the same essential quality.
-Titus Burckhardt
Symbolic language is language
in which the world outside is a symbol of the world inside,
a symbol for our souls and our minds.
-Erich Fromm
Symbolic language is language
in which we express inner experience
as if it were sensory experience.
-Erich Fromm
Symbols are the instrumentalities
whereby people codify experience,
or create a 'map' of the territory of experience.
-Hugh Dalziel Duncan
All things are symbols.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All things transitory are mere symbols.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
All symbols are things
standing for still greater things.
-Manly P. Hall
The symbolized is
greater, and deeper, and older than the symbol.
-W. S. Lilly
Every natural fact
is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The natural object
is always the adequate symbol.
-Ezra Pound
Things admit of being used as symbols
because nature is a symbol,
in the whole and in every part.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the widest sense, every natural thing is a symbol
for that which constitutes its inner being.
-Thomas Troward
It [symbolism] is speaking without speaking,
it is writing without writing.
The symbol may be said to be an ocean in a drop.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Symbols hint at a mystery
but never directly reveal it.
-Richard and Iona Miller
Symbols have a trick of stealing the show
away from the thing they stand for.
-Henry S. Haskins
Symbols are essential to comprehensive argument.
-Benjamin Peirce
Symbolization is the essential act of mind.
-Suzanne Langer
Every symbol is a definite stimulus to the mind.
-Manly P. Hall
Symbolism is linked with thought
through association.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Symbols are the imaginative signposts of life.
-Margot Asquith
Symbols can be understood intellectually,
but must also arouse feeling to be truly understood and integrated.
-Will Parfitt
For a symbol speaks to the whole human being
and not only to the intelligence.
-Mircea Eliade
The symbolic life in some form
is a prerequisite for psychic health.
-Edward Edinger
Symbols not only transmit knowledge
but also show the way to it.
-John G. Bennett
A symbol can never be fully interpreted.
It can only be experienced.
-George Gurdjieff
A symbol can never be taken in a final and definite meaning.
In expressing the laws of endless diversity
a symbol itself possesses an endless number of aspects
from which it can be examined
and it demands from a man approaching it
the ability top see it simultaneously from different points of view.
-George Gurdjieff
Every symbol is a jewel of infinite facets.
-William Douglas Horden
If all meaning is a type of relationship,
then every symbol is at base a duality -
a unity comprised to two or more terms held in dynamic tension.
-Ray Grasse
Every symbol constitutes an intermediary. 
-Roberto Assagioli
Symbols are what mediate
between levels of consciousness.
-Alice O. Howell
Symbols are fundamental concepts for energy exchanges
between very different levels of being.
-William Gray
Symbolism is based on the analogy
between the different degrees of being.
-Titus Burckhardt
The whole realm of symbol
connects consciousness and unconsciousness.
-Marion Woodman
The symbol is the key to the adjustment
between the individual act, problem or situation
and the universal frame of reference -
relative as this universality may be.
-Dane Rudhyar
A symbol is an abstract representation of a reality,
which the human intelligence accepts and possibly theorizes about,
but cannot entirely grasp its fundamental aspect.
-Carlyle Pushong
The symbol stands for what you cannot yet conceptualize.
It has a subtle reality
but seems "alive" when you experience it firsthand.
-Richard and Iona Miller
Characteristically, it is when a man is at the end of his strength and endurance,
but nevertheless holds on,
that the transforming symbol floats into consciousness.
-P. W. Martin
The symbol is the carrying agent
for the experience of intuitive awareness.
-Kenneth G. Mills
What words are to thoughts,
symbols are to intuition.
-Violet Mary Firth, "Dion Fortune"
The door to the treasury of symbols opens wide.
-William Douglas Horden
It is through symbols
that man finds his way out of his particular situation
and "opens himself" to the general and universal.
-Mircea Eliade
The truer the symbol,
the deeper it leads you,
the more meaning it opens up.
-Flannery O'Connor
A symbol opens and opens and opens.
-Marion Woodman
The emergence of sacred symbols within us
signals a new and deeper level
of consciousness of our being
as well as the birth of a new unity.
-John Monbourquette
The true basis of symbolism
is the correspondence linking together all orders of reality,
binding them one to the other,
and consequently extending from the natural order as a whole
to the supernatural order.
-Rene Guenon
The property of the symbol
is to be a synthesis.
-R. A . Schwaller de Lubicz
A symbol is a bridge and synthesizer of opposites
containing and uniting both of the opposites within itself.
-Paul Levy
There has to be a bridge
between the animal and the divine within,
and that is the symbol.
-Marion Woodman
Symbols are accumulators, transformers and conductors
of psychological energies.
-Roberto Assagioli
Symbols are a means for releasing energy for the unconscious.
-Will Parfitt
Symbols serve to express ideas.
Words serve to explain symbols.
For the complete expression of ideas
there is nothing like symbols,
and for the complete explanation of symbols
there is nothing like words.

By examining the words one may perceive the symbols.
By examining the symbols one may perceive the ideas.

The ideas are completely expressed by the symbols,
and the symbols are explained by words.

Once the symbols have been grasped,
the words may be forgotten.
Once the symbols have been grasped,
the symbols may be forgotten.
-Wang Pi
Symbolism encourages originality.
-Manly P. Hall
To realize fully
how much of our present daily life consist of symbols
is to find the answer to the old, old question,
What is truth?
-Thomas Troward
The realization of truth
consists in the ability to translate symbols.
-Thomas Troward
All religious language is symbolic.
-Bradford Smith
It is impossible to transmit the meaning of symbols
to someone who has not reached an understanding of them in himself.
-George Gurdjieff
A good symbol is the best argument
and is a missionary to thousands.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Symbology has always served
to keep the ancient wisdom intact.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Symbolism is the best way of learning the mysteries of life,
and the best way of leaving behind ideas which the teacher has passed.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Symbols are the footprints of spirit.
-William Douglas Horden
Symbols are keyholes to doors in the walls of space
and through them man peers into Eternity.
-Manly P. Hall
Symbols...are merely veils of light
rendering visible the "Divine Dark'.
-Anna Kingsford
The symbol is the most perfect means
for esoteric transmission.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
Spiritual teaching
must always be by symbols.
-Mary Baker Eddy
Is the joy in your hearts
not sufficient as a symbol?
-Mother Meera
Symbolic language alone
is able to express the ultimate.
-Paul Tillich
The most powerful inner experiences
can really only be expressed through symbols.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Symbols draw mortal emotion and immortal meaning together.
-William Douglas Horden
To live a symbolic life
is to live a transpersonal life,
a life in which every event can be referred to an archetype,
thereby acquiring a "sacred" character.
-Dane Rudhyar
A symbol's power is charged
by the archetype behind it.
-John R. Van Eenwyk
The higher mental levels are symbol.
They are made of symbols the way a tree is made of wood.
-Ken Wilber
Life itself is a symbol
and each must interpret it
according to the convictions of his own soul.
-Manley Hall